As we look back and celebrate over 10 years of The Slaight Family Foundation’s generous support, we’re excited to highlight that our very first Slaight Scholar, Julian Troiano (Music Performance and Technology 2012), has returned to Metalworks! Julian’s passion for music and enthusiasm for Metalworks has brought him back as an instructor, where he is instilling confidence in his students and preparing them for future careers in the music industry!
Highlighting the impact of The Slaight Family Scholarship, Julian said, “Receiving The Slaight Family Scholarship in 2012 completely changed my life. After finishing high school, I was unsure of my next steps in the music industry. The scholarship gave me the direction, financial assistance, and the confidence I needed to move forward in a career in music. Going to Metalworks was a fantastic experience - it taught me to work hard and open my mind to all aspects of music. It expanded my horizons from singing to production, recording, and composition; and with that skill set I’ve been able to make a living working solely in the music industry.”
Metalworks Institute is still accepting applications for this year’s Slaight Family Scholarship; if you know any deserving candidates, more details can be found here: or by contacting our admissions team directly (