A Song For Canada Competition
Inspired by the hugely successful A Song for Canada Competition, Canada’s Walk of Fame and National Premier Partner RBC launched a new initiative that aims to foster and support the next generation of gifted Canadian superstars. As part of the Canada’s Walk of Fame Emerging Artists Programs, this year’s RBC Emerging Artist Music Mentorship Prize, valued at more than $100,000, focuses on the world of music and offers the unique opportunity for aspiring artists to be mentored by musical legends Gord Sinclair of The Tragically Hip, as well as Rik Emmett and Gil Moore of Triumph and Founder of Metalworks Institute. The RBC Emerging Artist Music Mentorship Prize is supported by the RBC Foundation.
Chosen by a selection committee and announced in June 2013, the Grand Prize winner of the RBC Emerging Artist Music Mentorship Prize will receive:
· A cash prize of $25,000
· Performance opportunities offering the winner the chance to perform at major venues and open for established artists
· Twenty (20) hours of private studio time at Metalworks Studio with an appointed producer, periodically mentored by Rik Emmett and Gil Moore from Triumph and Founder of Metalworks Institute.
· Ten (10) hours of studio time in The Tragically Hip’s private studio, mentored by Gord Sinclair
· Introductions to agents, managers, music executives as well as entertainment lawyers
Six additional winners will also be chosen. Their prize will include:
· A cash prize of $5,000 for a Secondary Winner
· A cash prize of $1,000 each for five additional winners
· Performance opportunities at Canada’s Walk of Fame events
The approximate value of the Prizing in total is $100,000.00 CDN.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 11:59 pm ET. Details on eligibility and submission requirements can be found on Canada’s Walk of Fame website, http://www.canadaswalkoffame.com/support-us/.